Learn How To Make Cat Gravy – 4 Delicious Recipes For Your Feline

Making cat gravy is a surprisingly easy process, and it’s a great way to show your feline friend how much you care.

What is cat gravy?

Cat gravy is a savory sauce typically made from beef, chicken, or fish broth. Cats love gravy because it is flavorful and provides them with important nutrients like protein, fat, and vitamins.

What are the benefits of cat gravy?

1. Gravy is a flavorful and nutritious way to feed your cat.

2. Gravy can be made from a variety of different ingredients, so it’s perfect for any cat’s taste preference.

3. Gravy is a convenient way to make sure your cat is getting the nutrients they need.

4. Gravy can help keep your cat’s coat healthy and shiny.

5. Gravy can help prevent urinary tract infections in cats.

6. Gravy is an easy way to add excitement to your cat’s diet!

cat eats from spoon

Can I put human gravy on my cat’s food?

While the gravy is a nutritious and convenient way to feed your cat, it is not advisable to put human gravy on their food. Human gravy is typically high in sodium and can contain other spices and ingredients that may be harmful to cats. If you would like to add gravy to your cat’s diet, it is best to purchase a commercially available gravy made specifically for cats.

How do you make liquid cat food?

Liquid cat food is a convenient and nutritious way to feed your cat. It can be made from a variety of different ingredients, so it’s perfect for any cat’s taste preference. Gravy is a convenient way to make sure your cat is getting the nutrients they need.

How To Make Cat gravy recipes

There are many different recipes for cat gravy, but all of them involve adding wet or dry cat food to water. You can also add chicken or beef broth to the mixture to give it more flavor. Some people recommend heating the broth before adding it to the cat food, while others say that it’s not necessary.

Once you’ve mixed the ingredients, you can either serve it as is or put it in a blender and blend until it’s a thick gravy-like consistency. Then, simply pour it over your cat’s food and serve.

If you want to make a large batch of cat gravy, you can keep it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Just be sure to give it a good stir before serving.

cat eat cat gravy

4 Delicious Recipe

Cat gravy using beef


  • 1 pound beef stew meat
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 homemade cups beef broth
  • pinch salt


1. In a large saucepan, cook beef stew meat over medium heat until browned.

2. Add beef broth, and salt. 

3. After it starts boiling reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.

Cat gravy using chicken


  • 1/4 cup diced celery
  • 3 cups homemade chicken broth
  • pinch salt


1. In a large saucepan celery over medium heat until vegetables are soft.

2. Add chicken broth, and salt. 

3. After it starts boiling reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.

Cat gravy using fish


  • 1/2 cup whitefish
  • 1 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup water
  • pinch salt


1. In a small pan, cook the whitefish and butter until the fish is cooked through.

2. Gradually add the water, whisking continually until the gravy has thickened.

cat gravy

Homemade Egg Gravy for Cats


  • 1/4 cup diced celery
  • 2 cups homemade chicken broth
  • pinch salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup water


1. In a large saucepan celery over medium heat until vegetables are soft. Add chicken broth and salt. After it starts boiling reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.

2. In a small bowl gradually add chicken broth, whisking continually until smooth.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs and water. Add to the previous bowl, whisking continually until smooth.

4. Pour gravy back into the saucepan, and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until gravy comes to a boil and thickens.

cat gravy with meat

When to feed a liquid diet

It is recommended that you feed a liquid diet to a cat only when the cat is sick and cannot eat solid foods. If your cat is on a liquid diet for more than a week, it is important to give the diet by syringe or eye-dropper so that the cat gets enough calories and nutrients.

A sick cat may not have a strong appetite, so you may need to feed small meals frequently throughout the day. Your veterinarian can help you determine how much and how often to feed your cat.


We explain how to make cat gravy, a dish that consists of gravy made from meat or vegetables. The recipes are simple to follow and only require a few ingredients, making it a convenient option for those who want to make a homemade meal for their cat.

6 thoughts on “Learn How To Make Cat Gravy – 4 Delicious Recipes For Your Feline”

  1. Roxane Baldwin

    so much salt! Do not add any salt! Cats are Carnivores, do not give them veggies. Their bodies cannot properly digest them.

  2. Under one of the recipes for chicken gravy it says to add onion in butter. Aren’t cats intolerant to onions? Seems like that would be a quick edit, but it was left in?

  3. Barbara Cannon

    Many store-bought broths contain onion juice as well. I made a dog gravy following a recipe on a blog. My dog loved it but when I saw the broth, and all store-bought broths I checked, had onion juice, I quit making it. I might try making my own broth and try your recipe for my cats.

  4. After you cook it according to your method, what do you do with it? Puree it? otherwise it is nothing more than soup with chunks of meat.

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