Why dogs vomit

Why Dogs Vomit And What’s Happening When A Dog Keeps Vomiting?

Beginner’s Guide On Why Dogs Vomit

If you’re a dog lover, you may have been wondering, “What’s happening when a dog keeps vomiting?” As fur parents, we want nothing but the best for our fur babies. So, when we notice our pets are acting strange or vomiting, it is normal for us to feel extreme concern and worry. Although dogs are generally known to eat almost anything that they can fit in their mouths, dog’s vomiting can be a simple reaction to a food they did not like or a serious illness. To give you a better idea, here is our quick introduction and guide on dog vomiting.

Why do dogs vomit?

There are various reasons why dogs vomit. Oftentimes, dogs can vomit by simply consuming something that they, later on, did not like. It is normal for a dog to vomit in cases like this. Still, the problem is we never truly know the difference between a typical dietary indiscretion and a serious condition that would require medical attention.

Here are some of the reasons why your dog vomits:

  • Dietary indiscretion
  • Bloat
  • Abrupt diet change
  • Constipation
  • Drinking contaminated water
  • Eating too fast
  • Exercising after eating
  • Food allergies
  • Upset stomach
  • Motion sickness
  • Reaction to mediation
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Cancer
  • Heatstroke
  • Infections
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Parvovirus
  • Reaction to a medication

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How to care for a vomiting dog?

Considering that there is a wide range of reasons why your dog can vomit, it is important for pet owners to know the basics of how to take care of a dog whenever they are vomiting or ill. Here are some tips on how you can care for a vomiting dog for you to know when you should take them to the vet:

  • Pay close attention to the number of times your pet vomits as well as the possible external factors that could lead to it.
  • In case of a single vomit situation, simply withhold feeding your dog for at least 6 hours before letting them consume small portions of bland, low-fat food. If the vomiting stops, slowly increase food portions and reintroduce your dog to their usual diet.
  • When a dog vomits, make sure that there is water available for them to avoid dehydration. However, also be mindful of excessive water intake as this can also lead to further vomiting.
  • Take note of the color and structure of the dog’s vomit. Generally, granular and chunky dog vomit is food-related and can be dealt with simple remedies at home. On the other, liquid or watery vomit is typically not food-related and can be caused by an underlying illness. Keep this in mind, as this could later help veterinary doctors in diagnosing your dog’s condition.
  • Blood in vomit and chronic vomiting generally requires immediate medical attention. Other signs may include restlessness, tardiness, and loss of appetite.


Seeing your dog vomit can be worrying. However, it is important for us not to panic. We simply need to know how to care for them properly so they can recover accordingly. Whether it be through home remedies or through professional medical care, what is important is that we are able to provide the best possible care for our fur babies.

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